JMC Certifies Employees in Operations Training

JMC employees recently underwent significant training sessions to become certified in operations training. The September Manager's Meeting focused on the 'Framework' of JMC with various training sessions on Finance, Rental Operations, Administrative Procedures, and Maintenance. 

Group standing in front of lit letters spelling 'frame'

Regional Managers, Property Managers, Assistant Property Managers, and staff from the corporate office got to participate in four different breakout sessions. All sessions were led by our newly certified trainers which made for the largest training event held since before the pandemic.  

Group of 3 women smiling

The meeting also covered updates from the Compliance, Human Resources, and IT Departments. 

Group of people clapping while seated at tables

JMC has committed itself to excellence in company-wide training and we look forward to continuing these efforts in the future. 

Group of men and women holding awards

The meeting concluded with Meet the Mission awards given to employees who were nominated by a fellow employee for going above and beyond their regular duties.

TRIVIA: Which bird has the largest wingspan of any living bird?

9/15 Trivia Answer: Persephone


  1. the wandering albatross

  2. the wandering albatross

  3. The Wandering Albatross

  4. The wandering albatross

  5. The Wandering Albatross

  6. Wandering Albatross

  7. The wandering albatross

  8. The Wandering Albatross


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