JMC Framework Trainings

JMC has been conducting 'Framework' trainings that focus on Finance, Rental Operations, Administrative Procedures, and Maintenance. Marketing has also reintroduced JMC History trainings and created a brand new leasing training course. 

Rental Operations and Administrative has proven to be very helpful for learning policies and procedures for the application process with feedback as a "Fun class, great pace, [and] easy to understand!"

Finance training sessions have also been impactful for many employees and the sessions give everyone the opportunity to share experiences and provide helpful tips. There are also several routine trainings conducted by IT, HR, and compliance to onboard new employees.

Marketing conducted a leasing training for our summer interns in June. Marketing also recently began a new leasing 202 training called "Amping Up Your Rental Brilliance" which focuses on the sales presentation and making a strong relationship with prospects. This refresher class is geared toward our more seasoned staff members to enhance leasing skills for touring with live role plays. This new addition has been a very positive experience for our staff as everyone aims to work together and offer advice based on experience. 

Marketing also revitalized the Customer Service and JMC History training class for new employees. Newcomers learn about the founders of the company and receive an introduction to members in the corporate office. They also get to learn about different kinds of properties throughout the portfolio to understand the scope of the business. The second half of the training focuses on the customer experience with hard and soft tools and practice scenarios. The training finishes with topics in Fair Housing and compliance. 

Maintenance is going to kick off Tool Box Talks in the fall which will be a new addition and a great opportunity for our maintenance staff to get together to discuss best practices and procedures. We look forward to all trainings in the pipeline! 


TRIVIA: What is the motto of the Olympic Games? 

7/11 Trivia Answer: Marshmallow Fluff


  1. Citius, Altius, Fortius

  2. Swifter, Higher, Stronger

  3. Citius, Altius, Fortius (Latin) or Faster, Higher, Stronger (English)

  4. Citius, Altius, Fortius

  5. Citius - Altius - Fortius/Faster - Higher - Stronger

  6. Faster, Higher, stronger together

  7. Janarra Jaylee GuzmanJul 26, 2024, 3:48:00 PM

    Faster, Higher,Stronger Together

  8. Citius, Altius, Fortius which translates to Fast, Higher, Stronger - Together Carolyn Leonard


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